John Peel Wiki


  • 1994-12-31
  • Start of show: "Hello, this week's programme is brought to you by a man who's damaged his back carrying records up a ladder and can only sit down for a few minutes at a time. Expressions of sympathy to John Peel at the BBC World Service."


  • None


(JP: 'I wasn't kidding at the start of the programme, you know, when I said I'd hurt my back: it really was carrying records up a ladder, The only way I can relieve the pain now is either by standing up, which is why I've played rather a lot of long records in this week's programme, or by kneeling on all fours, which you can do all right at home, you know, but in the centre of London it does attract a certain amount of adverse comment. To cheer me up, here's a record by...')
(JP: 'I assume that's based on his experiences on the road, I'm not absolutely certain about that...I used to do gigs at one time, going around colleges and universities playing records that people didn't like very much and getting paid for it. People always used to say to me, "You must come and stay at ours," student flats and things like that, and from time to time I would do that, but it always turned out to be a mistake, and on one occasion, when I was up in Leeds, I was invited to go back by Andy Kershaw from the BBC World Service when he was still a student himself, and I turned up at about two o'clock in the morning, very tired and wanting to get some sleep so I could get up early and drive home, 'cos I get very homesick when I'm away from home, and the place was full of people clutching banjos! And he said, "We're going to have a bit of a jamboree tonight," and sure enough they did, and I didn't get any sleep at all.')
(JP: 'Something seriously Can-like about this.')


  • Dat_066a_JP_BBCWC-941112
  • 04:10:29 (00:00:00 to 00:29:06)
  • Many thanks to Max-dat.