John Peel Wiki


  • 2003-03-06
  • Start of show: 'Hello again, dearly beloved, and welcome to Peel Acres.'
  • JP plays 'Teenage Kicks' as a result of a listener request, and as usual, has to cue another track up to follow it immediately, due to what he calls 'the Undertones effect' (i.e. being too choked up to speak).


  • Echoboy, #3. Recorded 2003-02-12. No known commercial release.


(JP: 'This is a house that's full of celebration again tonight actually, and this time it's nothing to do with football. Our cat Gladys, who was run over by a passing car, or truck or something, didn't stop, a couple of weeks ago or a week or so ago, disappeared from the house on Monday, run away, we felt, into the countryside to die, and then resurfaced this evening as I came home, which was a fairly moving evening for us anyway, if not for you.')
(JP: 'Here's a fax from Chris True, and it reads, in its entirety virtually, "John, I also struggle to identify lyrics. I'm stuck on a song you played a few times (!!!-SIG) in the 1970s. It contained the following lines: 'I'm gonna call her on the telephone/Have her over cos I'm all alone/I need excitement, oh I need it bad/And it's the best I've ever had.' I'm sure someone in your army of listeners will have an idea, even if we stand no chance." Now, Chris, could this be the fella?')
(JP: 'I've just done something stupid, I don't think I've ever done that before....Well, I really took myself by surprise there, because I pressed the button on the wrong CD player and stopped the record that was playing, which was by Grandmaster Gareth, and 'I Can't Handle It' was the title of the track. Seems very appropriate under the circumstances.')
(JP: 'I say this every night, but I mean it every night: thanks very much for listening.')


  • John_Peel_2003-03-06
  • 02:00:30
  • 128 kbps